“188.16 Hz for Four Variations on a Sine Wave” (2011) is a composition based in planetary harmonics. Every object has a resonant frequency, including planets. Using the diameter of the Earth at its equator as the starting point, I have prepared a composition based around the resonant frequency derived from this. It is a sixteen-minute piece performed on tone generator, HP oscillator, Arrick Robotics voltage controlled oscillator, and guitar all resonating at or around 188.16 Hz. It is not precisely at 188.16 Hz except for the first few minutes because each sound source has differing waveforms, which generates secondary harmonics that slowly fade in and out of phase causing binaural beats.
This piece is my most recent exploration of resonant harmonics, and I have composed it as open ended. This piece can be performed by any number of sound sources, only limited by its ability to resonate at 188.16 Hz. At it’s most basic, the composition should be performed by two sound sources, which is the only limiting factor involved. I hope to continue with this series and explore more resonant frequencies and methods of utilization.
more information here:
- http://soundcloud.com/c-mck/188-16hz
- http://slaughteringdolphins.blogspot.com/2011/09/experimental-notations.html